BP9_ Educator Studio Review

Wow!  I am learning so many great way to use emerging technologies in education.  Recently, I created a lesson in Educator Studio titled, “Historical Portraits Come to Life.” After posting my lesson, I have started reviewing the lessons created by other students in my class.  I love these great ideas!  I have chosen two outstanding Authors to share with your today.  The two emerging technologies they used in their plans were Storybird and Voki.


Gloria Gray created an extremely creative plan to incorporate Storybird with the writing process in a special education classroom.  I can really relate to the visual students who will enjoy this type of writing process.  I encounter very talented students as an art teacher who can tell great stories with a painting.  Some of them struggle to communicate their ideas in text. Check out her post!  Storybird


Next, I reviewed Jennifer Tuttle’s plan to connect an 8th grade classroom with a 5th grade classroom through the technology of Voki.  I love Voki because the process of creating avatar is engaging and also comfortable for students when they are introducing themselves or presenting a piece of writing.  Check out her post!  Voki

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